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Tips + Herbs for Insomnia

There all sorts of different symptoms associated with insomnia such as difficulty getting to sleep, difficulty in staying asleep, restlessness at night, excessive dreaming and irregular sleeping patterns and long term health issues associated with sleep deprivation.

Here are herbs to help support healthy sleeping patterns:

Chamomile: Have a hot cup of freshly steeped chamomile tea before bed.

Lavender: A renowned, herb for settling frazzled nerves. The aromatic essential oils in this plant can help reduce difficulty falling asleep and prevent night-time wakening. Add it to your eye mask or under your pillow.

Limeflower: A traditional remedy for nightmares and bad dreams. Its calming effect on the nervous system also make it effective in treating a nervous digestion. The perfect, gently remedy for children.

Valerian: Directly promotes relaxation of the nervous system through enhancement of GABA neurotransmission. It encourages healthy sleeping patterns, ensuring you wake feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

Ashwagandha: Stress is normally at the heart of sleeping problems. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen (adapts to your lovely unique body) and calms the nerves. It can be particularly beneficial for those who tend to feel ‘wired’, with insomnia caused by anxiety or stress.

Oatflower: Oats are a natural source of tryptophan. Tryptophan helps regulate our body’s natural circadian rhythms and melatonin is synthesized from Tryptophan. It is melatonin that influences you to feel sleepy; its release can be inhibited even by the presence of artificial lights.

Gotu kola: Traditionally used for relaxing the nervous system and calming the mind.

Nutmeg: Can be particularly good for making sure that once you're asleep, you stay in a lovely deep, good quality sleep.

Meditation: Try five minutes of calm breathing, eyes closed, completely unplugged from your devices. Ditch the alcohol at night: it can interrupt sleep throughout the night.

Sleeping pills often cause just as many problems as they solve. But plants in their natural state have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicines to support all areas of health. Whole herbs contain all the natural constituents of the plant, which create a natural balance and work with the body rather than suppressing its natural functions.

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