Our thrift shop + upcycle queen
Stylist designer Liz Kamarul

Q: What does living a beautiful life mean to you?
A: To be able to live with no schedule, so that any opportunity that presents itself can be taken advantage of.
Q: How do you create a sacred space at home and work? What inspires you?
A: I feel the most comfortable with a mixture of patterns, plants, and pillows. I find inspiration from trying to use items in unusual ways, thinking outside the box.

Q: What is essential to creating a personal sanctuary?
A: Lots of pillows and floor poufs.
Q: How do you stay centered in the middle of chaos?
A: Re-arranging our home usually helps me feel centered. Doing what makes me happy and comes easy to me. No stress or pressure in my own space.

Q: What is essential to nurturing your creativity?
A: Constantly changing and growing. I can't have something stay the same for too long or I start to feel anxious.
Q: Tips for designing a nurturing home/space?
A: Forget what design rules you may have placed on yourself or read somewhere. If what you are creating makes you happy, then it is good. Follow your gut and surround yourself with only things you really love. No second-guessing.