Maca Atencio
Entrepreneur + Blogger
Montreal, Quebec
Instagram: @hey.maca |
What I Wish I Knew 15 Years Ago
That moms are the best, and they’re always right. I am a mom now, and I feel this every single day.
I always start my diet on Monday morning and end up cheating by noon, lols.

Recent Discovery
I’m a coffee type of girl; give me a double shot and I’ll be happy!
Fav Winter Tea
OMG, oat milk cappuccinos! This is my major discovery—it tastes like traditional milk.
Taking Care of Your Spirit
Take some time for YOU and treat yo’self with a weekly ritual. Mine? I go to brunch once a week (usually healthy), cellphone off the table, and sometimes I’ll bring a friend with me. My best treats usually involve really good food.
Advice For Creatives and Entrepreneurs
If you have a creative block (it happens to me most of the time), unplug from your daily routine and go do your favorite hobby. Mine? Mani-pedi and cute cocktails! It’s a reset time for me!
My Lesson in Business
I think everything has a perfect timing. I didn’t rush things and waited for the perfect moment to transition from my full-time sales and marketing job to become a fully freelance content creator. Get ready for the unexpected and be grateful for the good and the really bad; we’ll learn something every day.
Great Advice I’ve Received
Never regret your decisions, good or bad ones. They are building your path through this life.
Best Business Advice When You Started Out?
Always, ALWAYS know your numbers.
Great Life Lesson
Moving from Venezuela to Canada nine years ago, I learned how to value my family, my country, my summer days all year round, and how to chase little things to make us happy.

Favorite Cities
Lisbon and Montreal. They are both a mix of an eclectic, colorful and happy balance we all need. The gastronomic scene is impressive (I’m a huge foodie), and they won’t let you down. I’m so happy we chose Montreal as our home. It has a magic charm I’m sure everyone has experienced once. The friendly people, the amazing food, the multicultural mindset we have makes us more welcoming and warm. (Despite the endless winter, right?)
Travel Tips
There are different types of travel adventures, but all of them have one thing in common: they make you a storyteller. You learn how other people live, how they grow and how our cultures are so similar. I made a pact with myself and promise to visit one new destination every year with my kids, so they can see and experience how beautiful the world we live in is.
Where Can we Find More of Your Work?
My blog is my baby, and it’s where I put MOST of my effort. Visit the blog, share the posts you love, and if you have time, my Instagram page will cheer up your gloomy days—pinky promise!
The 411
Maca is the creative director and fashionable founder of online style destination HeyMaca! Through her platforms, Maca shares sweet moments in motherhood, food, fashion and travel. Since launching her lifestyle blog back in 2012, Maca’s brand has grown almost as rapidly as her wardrobe. This year, her colorful empire is expanding within and beyond the digital space. Stay tuned!