Instagram: @lisa_loves_vintage

Tips for Designing a Nurturing Sanctuary:
Think about what you want the room to be used for and make it a space you want to spend time in. Have beautiful paintings on the walls, eclectic pieces from your travels and family heirlooms, and remember that the television isn’t the most important thing you own.

Design Hacks:
Thrift shop and buy secondhand. You’ll find beautiful, well-made, pre-loved items for a fraction of the cost that bring a unique and eclectic style to your home. I’m vintage obsessive; almost everything in my home is from the 1930s to 1970s and every piece tells a story. I can remember where I bought everything or who gave me what as a gift.

Where to Shop:
Most of my vintage pieces come from charity shops, flea markets, car boot sales and skips. The chairs around my kitchen table were either found at the side of the road or were being thrown out by a school, while the massive rug in my lounge came from a shop that was throwing it out. I love vintage fabric, so I’m always searching eBay hunting for barkcloth and old Sanderson remnants.

Compassion + Living Sustainably:
I’m passionate about animal welfare. I haven’t eaten meat since my early teens and have raised both of my children as vegetarians.

I’m very proud that my daughter is now vegan and that means that much of the food we now eat as a family is plant-based and ethical.