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Creating + Cultivating Your Sanctuary

Nichol Naranjo

Interior Stylist/Designer, Blogger

Based in Albuquerque, New Mexico


Photos: Dominic Naranjo



Nature plays a huge role in my creativity. A home without nature seems lacking and lifeless to me. A simple walk can jog my creativity. Pinterest, Instagram and Nate Berkus help too.

Designing Your Home

Tell your story when designing your home, and you cannot go wrong. I think when you tell your and your family’s story, it drives you and you begin to pour love and care into the design. Think of what makes or made you feel safe as a child—smells, sights, sounds, textures. It really is elementary when you break it down that way.

Things I Wish I’d Known

Oh boy. Something I wish I knew when I was 20 is that everything has a way of working out somehow. I wish I would have stressed less. I also wish I would have known the power of saying no. Knowing your limits and when to say no can be very liberating.

Living a Conscious Life

Living a conscious life to me means living with intention and taking time to look at those around me. It’s important to open our eyes, not only to the hurt around the world, but to the hurt in the person next to us. Beyond recognition comes action. Failing to act means to turn a blind eye.

Staying Centered

Chaos sure does love to thrive, doesn’t it? In all honesty, I sometimes thrive on chaos. I do think we can overfeed it though. There is beauty in its opposite, calm. I think by simply pushing the noise out (and through prayer) I stay somewhat centered.

Design Hacks

Don’t be afraid to be a little quirky and whimsical in your design. It adds interest, and typically a story as well. I try not to take design too seriously.

The 411

Nichol Naranjo married her high school sweetheart, Dominic. They have three amazing daughters. She is currently focused on interior styling/ designing, blogging and homeschooling her youngest daughter.

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